28 & February & March 1 2025: “The Multilingual Mediterranean” The Mediterranean Seminar Winter 2025 Workshop (University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign). The Mediterranean is not only the crossroads among continents, cultures, peoples, and religions; it is also, as Suzanne Conklin Akbari and Karla Mallette have put it, “a sea of languages.” From the use of Romance rhyme words in the zajals of twelfth-century Iberia to the playful code-switching in twenty-first-century North African hip hop, writers and artists in the Mediterranean region have often mixed different languages to create new artistic forms, to provoke and perplex, and to test the borders of different identity categories. Multilingualism has also helped to forge networks of trade, diplomacy, exchange across the Mediterranean region, leading to the emergence of new koines, linguae francae, and pidgins. Indeed, we could say that multilingualism and different forms of multilingual creativity are constants of Mediterranean history, rather than sporadic exceptions to a monolingual norm or rule. Program here.

6—8 November 2024: “Before the Nation - Diversity and Identity in Pre-Modern Tunisia/Ifriqiya and North Africa (12th - 18th Centuries)” The Mediterranean Seminar Fall 2024 Workshop (Harvard University CMEMS, Tunis: 6-8 November). Situated at the center of the vast Mediterranean Basin, Tunisia has been for centuries a crossroads for various races, empires, religions, languages and cultures. Characterized by topographical and environmental diversity, Tunisia boasts hundreds of miles of coastline to its north and east, vast stretches of desert, forests, and an abundance of fertile farmland. It has been home to nomadic herders, farmers, urban dwellers and craftsmen, merchants, soldiers and corsairs, artists, scholars and religious figures. This workshop considers ethno-cultural diversity in Tunisia/Ifriqiya (as well as across North Africa) and how identities interacted, mutated, coalesced and disappeared throughout the ages. It aims to provide a platform for Tunisian/north African graduate students and junior scholars to get feedback on their work and create networks with North American and European scholars. Program here.

August 5–8 2024: Islamic Legal Texts: In Depth (Summer Skills Seminar)
This Summer Skills Seminar introduces participants to Islamic law. The seminar is focused on developing the skill of reading Islamic legal texts as opposed to surveying Islamic legal doctrines. It is designed for beginners seeking to build their capacity to investigate Islamic law. Participants will read the chapters on legal obligation (taklīf) and ritual purity (ṭahāra) in Durūs tamhīdiyya fī l-fiqh al-istidlālī by Muḥammad Bāqir al-Īrawānī (b. 1949). • Instructor: Aun Hasan Ali

16–19 July 2024: “Reading Old French” (Summer Skills Seminar)
This seminar proposes a hands-on introduction (or refresher) to reading medieval French, a particularly important vernacular in medieval Europe. We will look at literary works associated with a wide variety of genres, as well as non-literary documents; texts ranging from the first pieces written in French (ninth century) through the late Middle Ages; texts written in different dialects of langue d’oïl; and texts from across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Attention will be paid, too, to looking at edited and unedited texts. Basic reading knowledge of modern French is required for this course. • Instructor: Charles Samuelson

8–11 July 2024: “Sephardic Culture: An Introduction” (Summer Skills Seminar)
his Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with the an overview of main currents in Sephardic Studies including historial and cultural trends, texts, sources for the period 900-1700 CE, and attending to the potential of this field to enhance your own research and teaching. It is designed with academics in mind, particularly graduate students, postdocs, and professors working in disciplines such as history, literature, religious studies, but all intersted parties are welcome to apply. Participants will receive a completion certificate which may be listed on your CV and other documents such as grant/fellowship applications. The seminar is held via zoom over four days, with two two-hour sessions each day. Particpants are expected to prepare readings in advance of the sessions, which will be a blend of lecture, pair and group discussion, group close readings, and in-class activities. • Instructor: David A. Wacks

24–27 June 2024: “Reading Arabic Manuscripts” (Summer Skills Seminar)
This Summer Skills Course will build participants’ ability to read handwritten Arabic manuscripts and documents, primarily those written before the twentieth century. It is designed with academics in mind, particularly graduate students, postdocs, and professors working in disciplines such as history, literature, and religious studies. All interested parties with at least two years of Arabic language training are, however, welcome to apply, and attention will be paid to the ways that paleographical skills can enhance diverse forms of research and teaching. Participants will receive a completion certificate which may be listed on a CV and on other documents such as grant/fellowship applications. The seminar is held via Zoom over four days, with two two-hour sessions each day. Participants are expected to prepare readings in advance of the sessions, which will be a blend of lecture and pair- and group-work. • Instructor: Luke Yarbrough

17–20 June 2024: “Mediterranean Art History: An Introduction” (Summer Skills Seminar)
This Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with an overview of key concepts and methodologies in the study of Mediterranean art history. The course will address the themes of mobility, connectivity, and encounter in relation to the visual culture of peoples and territories across the sea. Participants will acquire an art historical tool kit to assist them in conducting their own research on the visual culture and artistic production of the medieval Mediterranean • Instructor: Karen Mathews

10–13 June 2024: “Mediterranean Magic: An Introduction” (Summer Skills Seminar)
This four-day intensive skills seminar will not only provide participants with an overview of magic’s history (broadly defined) throughout the premodern period but also introduce them to recurring patterns in magical practice and representation, significant symbols, and even tools for bringing similar material into their classrooms or personal reflections. As much as possible the content will be catered to participants interests and needs. Medievalists of all disciplines and ranks, graduate students, qualified undergraduate students, library and archival professionals, independent scholars, and modern magic practitioners or enthusiasts are encouraged to apply. • Instructor: Veronica Menaldi

20–23 May 2024: “Reading Archival Latin” (Summer Skills Seminar) Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, this seminar presents an introduction to Latin diplomatics and the reading of unedited archival documents through the incredible rich collection of Barcelona’s ACA. The seminar combines hands-on reading practice with units on different genres of documents, abbreviations, research techniques, dating systems, and other relevant information.

26 & 27 April 2024:Mediterranean Ecologies” The Mediterranean Seminar Spring 2024 Workshop (Saint Louis University). Full program here.

9 & 10 February 2024: “Intermediaries, Middle Grounds, Middle Sea” The Mediterranean Seminar Winter 2024 Workshop (University of California Los Angeles). See the full program here.

8 January 2024: “Teaching The Sea in the Middle - A Workshop for Instructors” - an online workshop for instructors using or adopting The Sea in the Middle (Burman, Catlos & Meyerson), let by Brian A. Catlos.

3 & 4 November 2023: “Mediterranean Studies, Present & Future: The “California School” Twenty Years On”, the Mediterranean Seminar Fall 2023 Workshop (University of California Santa Cruz). See the full program here.

17-20 July 2023: Reading Old French  (Summer Skills Seminar) This proposes a hands-on introduction (or refresher) to reading medieval French, a particularly important vernacular in medieval Europe. We will look at literary works associated with a wide variety of genres, as well as non-literary documents; texts ranging from the first pieces written in French (ninth century) through the late Middle Ages; texts written in different dialects of langue d’oïl; and texts from across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Attention will be paid, too, to looking at edited and unedited texts. Basic reading knowledge of modern French is required for this course.
Instructor: Charles Samuelson

26-29 June 2023: Reading Aljamiado Texts (Summer Skills Seminar) This introduces participants to the fundamentals of reading Aljamía (15th to 17th century Spanish, written mainly in Arabic script). The purpose of the Course is reading actual Aljamiado texts. These texts, specifically chosen for this workshop, will serve as a basis for discussion of different topics related to the history, cultural history and religion of Mudéjares and Moriscos. Instructor: Nuria de Castilla

22—25 May 2023: Reading Archival Latin (Summer Skills Seminar) Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, this seminar presents an introduction to Latin diplomatics and the reading of unedited archival documents through the incredible rich collection of Barcelona’s ACA. The seminar combines hands-on reading practice with units on different genres of documents, abbreviations, research techniques, dating systems, and other relevant information. Instructor: Brian A. Catlos

27 & 28 April 2023: “Diasporic Legacies of the Mediterranean” the Mediterranean Seminar Winter 2023 Workshop (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities). Program information here.

3 & 4 February 2023: “From Mediterranean to Atlantic World,” the Mediterranean Seminar Winter 2023 Workshop (3 & 4 February: Miami). Program information here.

21 & 22 October 2022: “The Mediterranean Origins of the West” The Mediterranean Seminar Fall 2022 Workshop (hosted by the CU Mediterranean Studies Group at CU Boulder). Program information here.

2-5 August 2022: “Reading Aljamiado Manuscripts” with Nuria de Castilla (École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL, Paris)
This four-day workshop introduces participants to the fundamentals of reading Aljamía (15th to 17th century Spanish, written mainly in Arabic script). Information here.

28 & 29 June 2022: “Purity, Pollution, Purification and Defilement” The Mediterranean Seminar Summer 2022 Workshop. Co-organized with Moshe Bildstein and Naama Cohen-Hanegbi at Haifa University (co-sponsored by Tel Aviv University). Program information here.

6 & 7 May 2022: “Crisis & Displacement”: The Mediterranean Seminar Spring 2022 Workshop: Co-organized with Mayte Green-Mercado (History) Rutgers University Newark (Newark NJ). See program information here.

23—26 May: “Reading Archival Latin” Summer Skills Seminar, with Brian A. Catlos, Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona. Information here.

11 & 12 February 2022: “Sacred Spaces”: The Mediterranean Seminar Winter 2022 Workshop co-organized with Sergio LaPorta (History) Fresno State University (Fresno CA). Registration and program information here.

20 & 21 December 2021: “Latin Diplomatics Refresher” - a two day refresher for participants of the Summer Skills Seminar – Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon. Via Zoom, taught by Brian Catlos.

17 May to 20 May 2021: Summer Skills Seminar – Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon (Boulder CO); with Brian A. Catlos (Religious Studies). For 2021 Participants only: Resource Pages.

Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 13 May: “Latin Diplomatics Refresher” - a two day refresher for participants of the Summer Skills Seminar – Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon. Via Zoom, taught by Brian Catlos.

February - April 2021: “The Global Mediterranean” - The Mediterranean Seminar Winter/Spring 2021 workshop, sponsored by The Ohio State University, organized with Harry Kashdan (OSU),

12 May to 15 May 2020: Summer Skills Seminar – Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon (Boulder CO); with Brian A. Catlos (Religious Studies). For 2020 Participants only: Resource Pages.

21 & 22 February 2020 • “Emotions, Passions and Feelings” organized with Thomas Devaney & Marianne Kupin-Lisbin (Rochester University) Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop, Rochester University (Rochester NY)

4 & 5 October 2019: "Violence," Mediterranean Seminar Fall 2019 Workshop, sponsored by the University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) and the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (Collegeville MN).

3 & 4 May 2019: Captivity and Ransom”: organized with Amy Remensnyder (Brown University) Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop, Brown University (Providence RI)

1 & 2 March 2019: “Turning Points”: organized with Molly Greene (Princeton University) Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop, Princeton University (Princeton NJ)

26 & 27 October 2018• “Margins of the Mediterranean : organized with Karla Mallette (University of Michigan) Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (Ann Arbor)

13 & 14 April 2018 • "Mediterranean Migrations": organized with David Wacks (U of Oregon) Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop, University of Oregon (Eugene)

2 & 3 February 2018 • “The Uses of Memory in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean”: organized with Thomas Burman (Notre Dame) Mediterranean Seminar Winter WorkshopNotre Dame University.

3 & 4 November 2017  “Ethnicity, Faith and Communal Relations”Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (CU Boulder), with additional support from the School for Graduate Studies , CU Boulder andthe CU Mediterranean Studies Group

 22–26 May 2017 • “Reading Ladino/Judezmo2nd Mediterranean Seminar Summer Skills Seminar (featuring David Bunis, Hebrew University).

21 & 22 April, 2017 • “Mysticism and Devotion”: , organized with Nan Goodman (JWST), Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop (CU Boulder), with additional support from the Program in Jewish Studies, CU Boulder.

16 & 17 February 2017 • “Culture Wars”:,organized with Kenneth Baxter Wolf (Pomona College) Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop (Pomona College) 

11 & 12 November 2016•   “Magic, Medicine, and Technology in the Mediterranean": Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop, co-organized with and sponsored by the The Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (St, John's University, Collegeville MN) with additional support from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

17-20 May 2016• "Reading Aljamiado" •the first annual Mediterranean Seminar Summer Skills Seminar featuring, Dr. Nuria Martínez-de-Castilla (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) • CU Boulder • See the announcement; course alumni • (CU Boulder).

8 & 9 April 2016• "Politics, Identity and Religion"" Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop, co-organized with and sponsored by the  the Armenian Studies Program at California State University Fresno.

3-5 March 2016• "Subterfuge and Deception in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean" Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop, co-organized with and sponsored by the The Center for Middle Eastern Studies (Harvard University).

20 November 2015• "MEH/Med: Middle East History/Mediterranean" Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (Boulder, CO) [with the CU Mediterranean Studies Group]

5-31 July 2015• "Negotiating Identities: Expression and Representation in the Christian-Jewish-Muslim Mediterranean" NEH Summer Institute (Barcelona, Spain)

13 & 14 April 2015• "Borders" (w/ Sharon Kinoshita & Nina [Oumelbenine] Zhiri, Literature, UC San Diego), Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop & Symposium, co-organized with the University of California San Diego (La Jolla, CA).

30 January 2015• "Trade & Exchange" (w/ Sharon Kinoshita & Baki Tezcan, History, UC Davis), Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop & Symposium, co-organized with the University of California Davis (Davis CA) in conjunction with the Western Ottomanists Workshop.

7-8 November 2014• “Land and Sea in the Mediterranean World”: (w/ Sharon Kinoshita & Edward English, History, UC Santa Barbara),Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop & Symposium, co-organized with University of California Santa Barbara.

2-3 May 2014• Power Relations and Religious Communities in the Western Mediterranean (Spain-North Africa Project Conference) & Mediterranean Connectivites,  Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles CA)

7-8 March 2014• Minorities in the Mediterranean Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop (San Francisco State University)

15-16 November 2013• Mediterranean Translations - Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (UC Berkeley)

2-4 May 2013• The Mediterranean and Maritime Perspectives Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop(UC Santa Cruz)

2 February 2013• Gendering the Mediterranean Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop (UCLA)

9 November 2012• Excavating the Mediterranean Past Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (Santa Barbara)

2-27 July 2012• Networks and Knowledge: Synthesis and Innovation in the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Medieval Mediterranean NEH Summer Institute) (Barcelona)

5-7 April 2012•  ...Can We Talk Mediterranean? Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop (Boulder) [with the UC Mediterranean Studies Multi-Campus Research Project]

22-24 March 2012• Ethno-Religious Diversity and Cultural Innovation in the Medieval Mediterranean, Mediterranean Research Meeting Workshop (Montecatini) [with the UC Mediterranean Studies Multi-Campus Research Project]

3 February 2012• Reconstructing the Mediterranean Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop (San Diego)

29 October 2011• Rivalry & Rhetoric Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (UCLA)

8-9 April 2011• Mediterranean Empires Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop (Davis)

18 February 2011• Court Culture in the Mediterranean Mediterranean Seminar Winter Workshop(Santa Barbara)

8 October 2010• Why the Mediterranean? Mediterranean Seminar Fall Workshop (Santa Cruz)

4-30 July 2010• Cultural Hybridities: Christians, Muslims & Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean, NEH Summer Institute (Barcelona)

29 June-25 July 2008• The Medieval Mediterranean & the Emergence of the West, NEH Summer Institute(Barcelona)

September-December 2007• The Emergence of "The West": Shifting Hegemonies in the Medieval Mediterranean, UCHRI Residential Research Group (Irvine)
